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A broad portfolio of elegant Designer Items, Access Control and Customized products for Residential Apartments, Villas and Luxury Houses

Airports, Transportation Hubs, Data Centers, Industrial Buildings – all their Perimeter and Access Roads, Public & Staff Entrance Doors, Restricted areas and Interior Doors need highly efficient and heavy duty Barriers and Doors to allow Vehicles, Goods and People to move fast, safe and in a controlled way. Access Control is essential for Operators and Staff to ensure designated areas stay-off limit to the Public and non-authorized persons.

Modern Building and Façade technology & design requires seamless integration and unique solutions for Exterior Doors and Windows. The Architects and Designers must be ensured of a high-level of freedom of Design, Impermeability of Rain, Wind and Noise as well as Resistance to high Windload. Key functionalities must include Security, Safety of Escape Routes as well as Convenience and Ease of Operation. Compliance with local Regulations and Code of Practice is essential.

Smart living is becoming the trend in all industries. The integration of Processes for the benefit of Consumers and Facility Management is the key focus. We understand the challenges that companies are facing in understanding and digitalizing their processes in areas such as Booking of Services and Facilities, Queuing, Payment, Access Control and Visitor management, also Deliveries, Locker, Parking Management, exchange solution and many more. Yet, its not only about the internal processes of the Service provider but the integration with End-users and Consumers which require Smart User Interfaces i.e. digital platforms which allow for a fast, secure and easy to understand flow of process steps.

Lift Lobby Designs need to meet various requirements in terms of Design & Functionality to ensure reliable Operations, Access Control and efficient People flow. Architects and Designers will find that Lift Openings shall blend in with the surrounding aesthetic Interior Design of the Lift Lobby and Landing Areas on each floor. We came up with a novel Automatic Sliding Door solution which can fulfil this requirement yet can meet the heavy duty requirements for a functional and efficient lift access.

Facility management teams need Smart and Cost Efficient solutions to manage the Access Rights of large numbers of Students, Teachers and Staff with efficient and easy to operate Processes. Based on ever changing Floor Plans and Room Locations these needs can only be met with reliable and highly responsive Wireless on-line solutions. Access Control at Main Entrance areas becomes increasingly important. To record Time & Attendance of large numbers of people require modern and increasingly mobile Solutions.

Sky-high Space cost drives the demand for Co-Working and Sharing concepts. Open-Space working foster communication and productivity, yet there is demand for Private Storage to secure personal belongings. The Community is constantly on the Move and Tenants & Guest are changing daily. How to quickly change and keep daily track of Access rights to the Premises, Offices, Meeting rooms and Lockers? This triggers a high demand for flexible, cost efficient and fast responses to such changes from the Facility Management team.

Hygiene, Efficient People-Flow and Safety are based on highest Expectations in Functionality, Durability and premium Quality. These are the key parameters of Operational demands at any Hospital or Healthcare institution We provide a complete portfolio of solutions for Hospitals, Clinics, Laboratories, Elderly Homes and other Healthcare institutions.

Barrier Free Access is a Concept to ensure a hygienic and trouble free access to any Public area or facility. An Aging Population and People with Disabilities must be ensured to gain Barrier Free Access to Public Building, Toilets at a variety of Facilities including Airport and Rail Systems, Elderly Homes, Hospitals, Shopping Malls and many others. Barrier Free Access is easing the way and ensures smooth and efficient operations in Back of House Areas for Staff and Deliveries. Particularly, Public Toilets for People with Disabilities are complex systems with a high demand for Safety, Reliability and Operational ease.

We Create Space – the aim of the Interior Designer is to look for a unique solution with a high degree of functionality and flexibility to provide comfortable, safe and secure living in small apartments. Interior Pocket doors and various other products are designed to meet such requirements for modern living.

Please ask us if you cannot find the Product or Solution in our Portfolio which would meet your Requirements We will try our utmost to find the right product or create a customized solution for you.